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Monday, April 11, 2011

Love Unraveled: Making the fantasy a reality.

I have had a few revelations about love lately, and am ecstatic to share them with you. While I have been working on loving fearlessly, I learned a few lessons the hard way (Is there any other way to learn?). Here is the deal. Women are romantic beings. We fantasize. Personally, I dream big. If he captures my heart, I want to jump in head- first, throw caution to the wind, and sail off into the sunset with my lover.

I recently put this theory to the test. I flew half way around the world with the intention of rekindling a flame. Mr. Glam is successful, handsome, and smart—in short he fit the fantasy. I told myself that I was being brave and adventuresome. When the expectations fell short of my heartfelt hope—there was no riding off into the sunset, or candlelit dinners, I had to take a hard look at my motivations. Although risk is an adrenalin rush, and a completely unknown outcome can conjure up wild fantasies, I realized that my heart is fragile. If I don’t protect it, and take care of me, how can I expect anyone else to?

To go a level deeper and get really honest with myself, I began to wonder whether I was unconsciously seeking his approval, attention, and adoration to bolster my self-esteem. This can be a dangerous game. Some people call it giving your power away. And, as women we do it all the time.

While Mr. Glam acted pleased to see me, the meeting was anti climatic, if you get my drift. My expectations could never have been met realistically because I was going to the wrong source. Remember girls. You are love. You are beauty. Stay strong within, protect your heart, and know that you are worthy.

The question is not whether I am worthy of Mr. Glam. The question is whether I can remember to love myself unconditionally all the time. As a woman I recognize that by believing I can have what I want, my dreams will come true: What I believe will happen will! Because I had fear when I went to meet with Mr. Glam, my fears manifested into reality. Out of it all I have gained confidence and know that when I am standing in my own power, I will be able to have and accomplish anything!

Check in with me every month, and I will offer some of the amazing tips I learned from interviewing Dr. John DeMartini, Dr. Pat Allen, Robert Greene and Dr. Bonnie Eaker Weil.

In the meantime, check out my Love Unraveled Trailer at:(

Until next time remember that Love is the Key,


Jacquie Blaze

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